Purchase SafeGuard LM 6

SafeGuard LM 6 base product includes node-locked and floating licenses, SafeGuard Manager and all necessary utility applications, including the C, C++, C#, FORTRAN, Java, Perl, Python, Objective C, AutoHotKey, PHP 7, MetaTrader 4 and VB.NET APIs for all the license functionality, plus a reverse proxy server for the license manager and Product Activation Server.

When requesting to purchase, please include which architecture/platform combinations you wish.

These are the platforms / options sold separately. They are:

  MacOS - x86_64

 Windows - x86_32

 Windows - x86_64

 Linux - x86_32

 Linux - x86_64

 Linux - ARM 32 bit (ARMv7l  “ell" processor)

 Linux - ARMv8-A 64 bit full version

 Linux ARM 32 bit (ARMv7hf client C / FORTRAN access)

 Linux MIPS 32 bit (Client C / FORTRAN access)

 Linux ARM 64 bit (ARMv8-A Client C / FORTRAN access)

 Linux PPC64le bit (Client C / FORTRAN access)

 Vendor ID kit which allows you to lock the floating license server to something other than the ethernet(MAC) address, such as a hardware key, [dongle] or something else.

Pricing for each platform / option is as follows:

   SafeGuard LM 6 with the Product Activation Server.....................:  US $350

   SafeGuard LM 6 without the Product Activation Server................:  US $250

   SafeGuard LM minor releases within the same major version......:  US $FREE

   Upgrade to next major release of SafeGuard LM...........................:  US $250

   Client access from non Intel SafeGuard LM platforms .................:  US $100

   Vendor ID kit for the Floating License Server ...............................:  US $50

   Expanded Software Support ………………………………………………….: US $1200 / Yr (see our support page for details)

Note: Expanded Software Support is required for larger companies with more than 50 employees.  Of course, businesses with less than 50 employees can also benefit from this program as many do.

Note: If you choose to purchase the Product Activation Server, you only need to run it on one architecture as it can serve up licenses for any other architecure.

 Contact us at support@persistentsecurity.com to request a quote.  Don't forget to specify which platform(s) you are requesting.  The quote will come in the form of a Paypal Invoice.  You will need to provide us the Ethernet (MAC) addresses of the machines you wish to run the license generator(s) and Product Activation Server(s) on.

Developer licenses of SafeGuard LM are node-locked.  They include a 3-pack license set, meaning you can use the developer tools such as SafeGuard Manager, and keycode generation utilites on up to 3 machines.

The Product Activation Server is also node-locked.  It too comes in a 3-pack license set, meaning you can use the Product Activation Server on up to 3 machines.  For example, two development machines and one production machine.  If you purchase more than one platform, you can split these licenses between each one.  For example, you may want to execute the manual license generation on Windows, but run the Product Activation Server on Linux.

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